Rachel Weber – PhD, R. Psych
I am Clinical Director at Compass Clinic & a registered psychologist with expertise in pediatric clinical neuropsychology and school psychology. I have been a practicing psychologist for almost 10 years and I have worked in schools, hospitals, and community clinics. I am passionate about helping children, youth, and their families understand their brains and how they work. In my practice, I want to identify the relationships between children’s learning challenges, emotional difficulties, or behavioural struggles and their brain’s functioning. Many times this is also related to their developmental and/or medical history. These brain-behaviour relationships help my clients understand how they can best learn and interact with others within their home, school, and community environments. Using this knowledge, I can generate helpful and practical recommendations to further assist in increasing this understanding and the support my clients receive. I completed my doctoral studies in the United States, in Texas, where I received a training grant for work with diverse children with special needs, and their families. I completed my internship in a large school district in Texas and completed a two-year residency in clinical neuropsychology at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital. I am actively involved in research and training in the UBC Faculties of Education and Medicine. I do psycho-educational assessments, neuropsych assessments, therapy and forensic work.

Psychology Services for Children in Vancouver, the Lower Mainland and beyond